Manager's Toolkit Oct 2017 Final Version



Employees have the right to appeal against any level of formal disciplinary action or the decision to dismiss them. They can do so by submitting the grounds for appeal in writing , usually within 5 working days from notification of the disciplinary decision.

The appeal panel can choose to:

 Uphold the Employee’s Appeal

 Uphold the Disciplinary Panel’s decision

2 managers will hear the appeal. They should be of a more senior level than those involved in the disciplinary hearing.

 Implement an alternative action (but usually not more putative than the original)

Upon receipt of the appeal a hearing will be arranged, normally within 10 days . The employee will be notified in writing and be given at least 2 days advance notice of the hearing .

The decision of the Appeal Panel will be communicated to the employee either verbally or by letter within 5 working days from the appeal hearing concluding. No further internal mechanism exists to hear an appeal against disciplinary action. Documentation: All investigations, hearings and appeals should have minutes taken with copies given to the employee concerned. All invitations to hearings must be confirmed in writing with employees given 2 days notice of such meetings. All decisions must be confirmed in writing within 5 days of the meeting concluding.

Employees have a right to be represented at the appeal hearing.

The Appeal Panel will gather all of the facts of the case from the investigation and disciplinary hearing and will hear the employee’s case for the appeal. They may wish to conduct further investigation before making their decision.

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